CRJ500: Criminological Theory

CRJ500: Criminological Theory
Credit Hours:
Contact Hours:
This is a 3-credit course, offered in accelerated format. This means that 16 weeks of material is covered in 8 weeks. The exact number of hours per week that you can expect to spend on each course will vary based upon the weekly coursework, as well as your study style and preferences. You should plan to spend 14-20 hours per week in each course reading material, interacting on the discussion boards, writing papers, completing projects, and doing research.
Course Description and Outcomes
Course Description:
Criminology is the scientific study of criminal behavior. This course is an examination of the application of theory in the study of criminal behavior and crime and control. The major schools of thought related to crime causation (Sociological, Psychological, and Biological) will be examined in a historical and contemporary perspective to explain deviance, crime and delinquency. Learners will also examine empirical research, testing these theories, to evaluate the appropriateness of theory to explain criminality and public policy.
Course Overview:
This course examines the role of theories in the studies of crime and control. It surveys the major schools of thought related to crime causation (sociological, psychological, and biological) and particular theories about crime and delinquency, places these theories in the historical context, and reviews the primary propositions of the theories as well as conclusions reached in criminological research. Students of this course will gain an understanding of how deviance, criminal behavior and crime control co-evolve.
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Critically evaluate the historical and contemporary theoretical models for the explanation of crime and deviance.
2. Analyze the political and ideological significance of cultural constructs of crime and crime control policy.
3. Differentiate between empirical, professional, and popular resources as literature.
4. Use the CSU Global library databases to conduct a literature review.
5. Describe societal rationale to justify efforts toward punishment and treatment.
6. Explain the social, economic, and political correlates of crime in the United States.
7. Analyze and apply criminological theories to explain crime and crime control policies.
Participation & Attendance
Prompt and consistent attendance in your online courses is essential for your success at CSU-Global Campus. Failure to verify your attendance within the first 7 days of this course may result in your withdrawal. If for some reason you would like to drop a course, please contact your advisor.
Online classes have deadlines, assignments, and participation requirements just like on-campus classes. Budget your time carefully and keep an open line of communication with your instructor. If you are having technical
problems, problems with your assignments, or other problems that are impeding your progress, let your instructor know as soon as possible.
Course Materials Textbook Information is located in the CSU-Global Booklist on the Student Portal.
Course Schedule
Due Dates The Academic Week at CSU-Global begins on Monday and ends the following Sunday.  Discussion Boards: The original post must be completed by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. MT and Peer Responses posted by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT. Late posts may not be awarded points.  Opening Exercises: Take the opening exercise before reading each week’s content to see which areas you will need to focus on. You may take these exercises as many times as you need. The opening exercises will not affect your final grade.  Mastery Exercises: Students may access and retake mastery exercises through the last day of class until they achieve the scores they desire.  Critical Thinking: Assignments are due Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT.  Live Classroom: Although participation is not required, Live Classroom sessions are held during Week 2 and Weeks 5 or 6. There are two total sessions.
Week # Readings Assignments 1  Chapters 1 & 2 in Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context  CSU-Global Library. (2015). What is a scholarly article?. Greenwood Village, CO: Colorado State University-Global Campus.  CSU-Global Library. (2015). How to search the directory of open access journals. Greenwood Village, CO: Colorado State University-Global Campus.  Discussion (25 points)  Critical Thinking (50 points) 2  Chapters 3 & 4 in Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context  Discussion (25 points)  Critical Thinking (75 points) 3  Chapter 5 & 12 in Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context  Discussion (25 points)  Critical Thinking (75 points) 4  Chapter 6 in Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context  Discussion (25 points)  Mastery Exercise (25 points)  Live Classroom (0 points)  Career Development (50 points) 5  Chapter 7 in Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context  rellau1. (2009, March 27). Inside the financial fiasco: Mortgage madness [Video file]. Retrieved from (6 parts in total) – closed captioning available via YouTube  Discussion (25 points)  Critical Thinking (75 points) 6  Chapter 8 in Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context  PBS Now. (May 2008). Rape in military. Retrieved from  Discussion (25 points)  Critical Thinking (75 points) SAMPLE
 Benedict, H. (2008, August). Why soldiers rape: Culture of misogyny, illegal occupation, fuel sexual violence in military. In These Times. Retrieved from 7  Chapters 9 in Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context  Chambliss, W. J. (1973). The saints and the roughnecks. Society, 11(1), 24-31. Retrieved from  Discussion (25 points)  8  Chapter 13 in Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context  Levin, A., Levin, M., & Pinkerson, D. (1992). Prisoners of the war on drugs. HBO & Prison Life Magazine. Retrieved from  Discussion (25 points)  Mastery Exercise (25 points)  Portfolio (350 points)
Assignment Details This course includes the following assignments/projects:
Module 1
Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission.
Option #1: Types of Information Sources
Researching issues surrounding crime is contextual. The theoretical frameworks discussed in this module come from information sources such as textbooks (which represent a compilation of research that happened in scholarly journals). For this assignment, develop a well-written essay to address the following questions:
 How can other information sources contribute to your knowledge of these frameworks?
 What role does empirical literature have in evaluating theory and program effectiveness?
 How may policy makers use the information from peer-reviewed sources in developing policy and practice?
You are encouraged to review the following video regarding information sources:

Your paper should meet the following requirements:
 Be 2-3 pages in length
 Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guidelines for Writing and APA Style
 Include any assessment tools you used in the References page.
Option #2: A Comparison of Information Sources
For this assignment, identify at least two differences between peer-reviewed, professional, and popular sources. Compare and contrast the information sources. Develop a well-written essay to address the following questions:
 In the graduate classroom, which are types of sources expected?
 What role does empirical literature have in evaluating theory and program effectiveness?
 How may policy makers use the information from peer-reviewed sources in developing policy and practice?
You are encouraged to review the following video regarding information sources:

Your paper should meet the following requirements:
 Be 2-3 pages in length
 Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guidelines for Writing and APA Style
 Include any assessment tools you used in the References page.
Students will be required to select the type of crime that will be your topics by Week 4 and share this choice with the instructor using the drop box provided for the Portfolio Project Milestone. Because you will be supporting your work with peer-reviewed and professional sources (like those we covered in this module), begin your literature review in the CSU Global library to insure that there are significant resources on your topic. So be sure to begin work on this project during the next couple of weeks.
You can find credible sources in the CSU-Global Library. Document formatting and source citations should be in conformity with CSU-Global Guidelines for Writing and APA Style.
Module 2
Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission.
Option #1: Sources of Information about Crime
In an essay of 2-3 pages, develop a critical analysis of the following:
1. Develop a hypothesis/prediction about the relationship between type of crime (violent vs. property) and clearance level by arrest. That is, which type of crime is more likely to be cleared by arrest. Explain why you think so.
2. Then go over the table on offenses known to police and percent cleared by arrest at Report the general pattern of clearance rate by type of crime and whether the pattern has changed over the years. Analyze whether the observed patterns support your hypothesis. Support your post with at least two peer reviewed, academic sources, in addition to the course textbook. Your essay, reference list, and sources should be formatted according to CSU-Global Guidelines for Writing and APA Style.
Option #2: Understanding Official Measures of Crime
You are an intern in research, planning, and analysis at your local law enforcement agency and have been given the task of explaining to a group of citizens how the recent crime data was compiled. For this assignment, you are to prepare a 10 – 15 slide PowerPoint or Prezi presentation with an overview explaining: (1) the Uniform Crime Report, (2) National Incident Based Reporting System, and the (3) National Crime Victimization. You will explain how each of these three official measures of crime are compiled, the strengths and weaknesses of each crime sources, and which gives the best indication of the true measure of crime in your locale.
Within your presentation, you will support your work with at least two peer reviewed, academic sources, in addition to the course textbook. Your essay, reference list, and sources should be formatted according to CSU-Global Guidelines for Writing and APA Style. SAMPLE
Module 3
Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission.
Option #1: Explaining Property Crime and Identity Theft
In an essay of 2-3 pages, address the following prompts:
1. Property crimes have generally been regarded as most amenable to deterrence. Explain from a rational choice perspective why increased sanctions are more likely to deter property crimes than to violence crimes.
2. Also from a rational choice perspective, explain why identity theft is America’s fastest-growing crime by applying routine activities theory and its three premises.
Support our work with at least two peer reviewed, academic sources, in addition to the course textbook. Your essay, reference list, and sources should be formatted according to CSU Global APA format according to CSU-Global Guidelines for Writing and APA Style.
Option #2: Deterrence Theory and Capital Punishment
Rational choice theorists hold that actions result from the cost-and benefit calculation of the actor. Therefore, the threat of punishment, with its potential pain, may discourage people from illegal behavior. Discuss from a perspective of deterrence theory, why or why not the death penalty serves as an effective deterrence for crimes it intends to punish.
Support our work with at least two peer reviewed, academic sources, in addition to the course textbook. Your essay, reference list, and sources should be formatted according to CSU Global APA format according to CSU-Global Guidelines for Writing and APA Style.
Module 4
This assignment is designed to give you the opportunity to assess your overall fitness for your ideal career in criminal justice. You may be able to review and draw on work you have already done using the Student Career Center. To complete this assignment, you will take another look at your Personal and Career Evaluation and begin talking to other professionals to assess how you can strategically cultivate the skills and gain the experiences you need that will allow you to conduct an effective job search and to begin your successful career.
Remember to add all of the work you do during this assignment to your Career Portfolio. All of this information may be useful in future career development assignments and during your job search.
Assignment Preparation/Activities
 Go to the Student Career Center and review Personal and Career Evaluation.
 Create a list of questions that you have about what it’s like to work in criminal justice.
 Make contact with a mentor, a friend, or an acquaintance who works in criminal justice, and initiate a conversation that will allow you to ask your questions. Do your best to ask open-ended questions so that you can learn as much as possible about the criminal justice system. Alternatively, do an Internet search using your questions to guide your search so that you can learn more about work life and career opportunities in criminal justice.
 Based on a more thorough self evaluation of your strengths, weaknesses, and career goals, taken together with your research about working in criminal justice, create a strengths and weaknesses chart
for each position that interests you and fill each one out with information about your skills, experience, personality, values, advantages, limitations, and any of your personal life situations that are important to having a job or establishing a career in criminal justice.
Assignment Requirements
Develop a well-written 2 – 3-page paper that includes the following:
1. A summary of your strength and weaknesses self-evaluation. In your summary, include:
a. Key things that stood out to you when researching what it’s like to work and/or have a career in criminal justice. Be sure to site your sources.
b. Your greatest strengths and weaknesses as they relate to your professional interests.
2. An assessment of challenges that your unique life situation may present to your ability to complete your degree and/or to pursue a career this professional area. You may be as specific or general as you like with this assessment to maintain your personal privacy.
Always follow CSU-Global Guidelines for Writing and APA Style and review the library material concerning APA style before turning in this assignment.
Option #1: Proposed Topic (Worth 30 points to final Portfolio Project)
Submit your proposed topic to your course professor using the drop box provided for the Portfolio Project Milestone. Your submission will be one to two paragraphs, describing your topic and the aspects of the behavior that you may address from a theoretical perspective.
In addition, you will also submit a minimum of three research articles that are related to your proposed topic. These research articles should be gleaned from CSU-Global Virtual Library on the crime of your selection.
Your topic selection, reference list, and sources should be formatted according to CSU Global APA format according to CSU-Global Guidelines for Writing and APA Style.
Option #2: Proposed Topic (Worth 30 points to final Portfolio Project)
Submit your proposed topic to your course professor using the drop box provided for the Portfolio Project Milestone. Your submission will be one to two paragraphs, describing your topic and the aspects of the behavior that you may address from a theoretical perspective.
In addition, you will also submit a minimum of three research articles that are related to your proposed topic. These research articles should be gleaned from CSU-Global Virtual Library on the crime of your selection.
Your topic selection, reference list, and sources should be formatted according to CSU Global APA format according to CSU-Global Guidelines for Writing and APA Style.
Module 5
Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission.
Option #1: Crime and American Dream
In an essay of 2-3 pages, address the following prompts:
1. According to Steven Messner and Richard Rosenfeld (2007), what is the cultural ethos at the center of the American Dream and how has the American Dream worked to create an anomic society? SAMPLE
2. List all institutions involved in mortgage fraud as revealed in the NBC Dateline investigation at How would you apply the theory of crime and the American Dream to explain the widespread predatory lending practices? (Be sure and view all 6 parts of the investigation – parts 2-6 can be accessed in the “related video” sidebar to the right of the video player.)
Support our work with at least two peer reviewed, academic sources, in addition to the course textbook. Your essay, reference list, and sources should be formatted according to CSU Global APA format according to CSU-Global Guidelines for Writing and APA Style.
Option #2: Social Structure Theories Essay
From the CSU Global Library, identify a peer reviewed, empirical article which tests one of the Social Structure Theories discussed in Chapter Five.
In a 2-3 page essay, you will then provide an overview of the article where you:
1. Explain what the author(s) sought to evaluate or determine in their research (purpose of the study).
2. Explain how the author (s) applied one of the Chapter Five theories to explain the phenomenon.
A brief summary of the findings and the suitability of the theory to explain their hypothesis.
In addition to submitting your essay, you must also attach a PDF of your article.
Support our work with at least two peer reviewed, academic sources (including the article you identified for this assignment) in addition to the course textbook. Your essay, reference list, and sources should be formatted according to CSU Global APA format according to CSU-Global Guidelines for Writing and APA Style.
Module 6
Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission.
Option #1: Explaining the Incidence of Rape in the Military
In the military, rape is almost twice as frequent as it is among civilians, especially in wartime. In an essay of 2-3 pages, describe how Benedict (2008) explains the difference in the article, “Why Soldiers Rape.” Then from a perspective of social learning/social process theory critically analyze the observations that Professor Benedict made in the article.
Support our work with at least two peer-reviewed, academic sources (including the article you identified for this assignment) in addition to the course textbook. Your essay, reference list, and sources should be formatted according to CSU Global APA format according to CSU-Global Guidelines for Writing and APA Style. Option #2: Street Gang Intervention
From the CSU Global Library, identify a peer reviewed, empirical article which tests the effectiveness of an intervention program targeting youth who are involved in Street Gangs.
In a 2-3 page essay, you will then provide an overview of the article where you:
1. Explain what the author(s) sought to evaluate or determine in their research (purpose of the study).
2. Explain how the author (s) applied one of the Chapter Five theories to explain the phenomenon.
A brief summary of the findings explaining the effectiveness of the program/intervention. In turn, you are to analyze why the strategy is (or is not) effective based on specific elements of the chosen theory.
In addition to submitting your essay, you must also attach a PDF of your article.
Support our work with at least two peer reviewed, academic sources (including the article you identified for this assignment) in addition to the course textbook. Your essay, reference list, and sources should be formatted according to CSU Global APA format according to CSU-Global Guidelines for Writing and APA Style.
Module 7
No CT or PP assignment
Module 8
Option #1: Crime Research and Theory Application
The Portfolio Project is a two-pronged inquiry into a category of criminal behavior, requiring students to select a type or category of criminal behavior and then apply research and theory to provide descriptive and theoretical analysis. The choice of topic should be a narrowly defined criminal behavior of interest to the student (e.g., domestic violence, stalking, a telemarketing fraud/security fraud, employee theft, date rape, illegal drug trade/use, etc.). Students will select and share their choice of topic for feedback during Module 4. For the crime research component of the project, students will conduct research in order to identify what are known in the field as crime factors—basically descriptions of the characteristics of the type of crime under investigation. The crime information should include at least one definition (legal or/and sociological), the distribution of the crime (local or national), and some or all of the following crime factors: an offender profile, victim profile, typical offender-victim relationship, situational factors (e.g., time, place, drug use and weapon . . .), social control factors (e.g., cultural values, public opinion/reaction, law enforcement and criminal sanction, and/or others). It is recommended that research include either or both of the following sources:
 The FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (available at:
 The Justice Bureau’s National Crime Victimization Survey (available at:
The second component requires students to apply one or more criminological theories presented in the course to a critical analysis of the selected type of crime. The analysis should explain what the theory or theories offer in analyzing the type of crime and discuss the strengths and limits of the theory’s application to the selected type of crime. Keep in mind that the focus of this paper is the type of crime and your analysis of it; while it is important that any research paper recognize the strengths and limits of the application of theory, the primary purpose here is not to critique the theory (or theories) itself. More than one theory may be appropriate to various attributes of the crime. Theory application is not only naming the theory and summarizing its main elements, but must also present key concepts and propositions of a theory and make clear what aspect(s) of the crime can be explained by the theory. Support our work with at least seven peer reviewed, academic sources, in addition to the course textbook. Your
essay, reference list, and sources should be formatted according to CSU Global APA format according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
Option #2: Criminal Justice Policy Analysis
Identify a crime policy or legislation, enacted or implemented within the last 20 years (i.e., mandatory minimum sentencing; mandatory arrest policies for police calls for domestic violence; New York’s Stop and Frisk Policies). You will then examine and critique the policy, from a theoretical perspective and write a 7-8 page paper where you will address each of the following:
Chosen policy. You must clearly define your chosen policy and state what it is. Your policy must be specific (see the examples above).
Students will select and share their choice of topic for feedback during Module 4.
Define the policy. What is the purpose of your chosen policy? For example what were mandatory minimum sentencing policies put in place to do? You will examine the social, governmental, or economic goals of the policy and its underlying assumptions about the crime and offenders and discern the underlying cause of crime and/or effective punishment with the policy.
Development of the policy. What were the social, economic, governmental, or policy challenges which led to the development of the policy. For example, in 2009, the Obama administration’s White House Office of National Drug Control Policy shifted from a criminal justice focus to a public health focus, with a greater emphasis on rehabilitation.
Theoretical model(s). Given the intended goals of the policy, which specific theories from the course can be used to explain the criminal behavior that the policy sought to deter? Based on the tenets of the theory, are the specific goals of the policy based on theory. For example, can life imprisonment effectively deter offenders from committing crime?
Effectiveness of the policy. How effective are these policies? What does the empirical research state about the effectiveness of your policy? In turn, you are to analyze why the strategy is (or is not) effective based on specific elements of the chosen theory.
Summary. In this component of the paper, you are to summarily compare all of the policies you discuss (the original policy you examine as well as the alternative policies).
Support our work with at least seven peer-reviewed, academic sources, in addition to the course textbook. Your essay, reference list, and sources should be formatted according to CSU Global APA format according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
Course Policies
Course Grading
20% Discussion Participation 40% Critical Thinking Assignments 35% Final Portfolio Paper
5% Mastery Exercises
0% Live Classroom
Grading Scale and Policies
95.0 – 100
90.0 – 94.9
86.7 – 89.9
83.3 – 86.6
80.0 – 83.2
75.0 – 79.9 SAMPLE
70.0 – 74.9
60.0 – 69.9
59.9 or below
In-Classroom Policies
For information on late work and incomplete grade policies, please refer to our In-Classroom Student Policies and Guidelines or the Academic Catalog for comprehensive documentation of CSU-Global institutional policies.
Academic Integrity
Students must assume responsibility for maintaining honesty in all work submitted for credit and in any other work designated by the instructor of the course. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, plagiarism, reusing /re-purposing your own work (see CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements for percentage of repurposed work that can be used in an assignment), unauthorized possession of academic materials, and unauthorized collaboration. The CSU-Global Library provides information on how students can avoid plagiarism by understanding what it is and how to use the Library and Internet resources.
Citing Sources with APA Style
All students are expected to follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements when citing in APA (based on the APA Style Manual, 6th edition) for all assignments. For details on CSU-Global APA style, please review the APA resources within the CSU-Global Library under the “APA Guide & Resources” link. A link to this document should also be provided within most assignment descriptions on your course’s Assignments page.
Disability Services Statement
CSU–Global is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. Any student with a documented disability requesting academic accommodations should contact the Disability Resource Coordinator at 720-279-0650 and/or email for additional information to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.
Respect the diversity of opinions among the instructor and classmates and engage with them in a courteous, respectful, and professional manner. All posts and classroom communication must be conducted in accordance with the student code of conduct. Think before you push the Send button. Did you say just what you meant? How will the person on the other end read the words?
Maintain an environment free of harassment, stalking, threats, abuse, insults or humiliation toward the instructor and classmates. This includes, but is not limited to, demeaning written or oral comments of an ethnic, religious, age, disability, sexist (or sexual orientation), or racist nature; and the unwanted sexual advances or intimidations by email, or on discussion boards and other postings within or connected to the online classroom.
If you have concerns about something that has been said, please let your instructor know. SAMPLE

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